Thank god I was finally able to have Mum home... Over the past four weeks I have spent many precious hours with her.. talking to her, feeding, changing, reassuring, and loving her through this awful debilitating illness ..... but yesterday she finally found peace and I was with her as she sadly passed away... as she began to slip away I was able to tell her how much I loved her and how much she was loved by all of the family, I was able to hold her hand and tell her not to be scared as she would soon find peace and I was able to say goodbye and that means so much to me......
Our GP came out to certify her passing and was so wonderful with us all.... she had only just lost her own father so was very sensitive to our needs and told me that I should call the undertaker only when I was ready to do so..... and so I was able to spend time with Mum playing soft music and burning some essential oils... give her a wash and dress her, brush her hair and make her look beautiful..... just that little bit longer before I had to let her go....... and then when I knew it was time I made the phone call to the undertaker........ and now she is gone I am bereft..... but with the love of my family and friends I will get through this.... now their is much to do and I guess keeping busy will help. I cannot stop the tears at the moment, I know it was expected and I know that her life was a torment and now she is at peace but I miss her so much and it hurts........