Sunday, 16 November 2008

Where did those days go......

The days go by so fast .... I have had so many things to post about but been the naughty blogger I am just never got around to actually posting! So here goes.......

On Friday 7th November OH went into day surgery to have his now second Cardioversion. OH had the first cardioversion five years ago, and where did those five years go! Life is going by much too fast for me....

Six years ago OH developed a cold which developed into a chest infection. Because it was a busy time at OH workplace (Christmas peak time as its fondly know) OH would not go the the doctors to get the chest infection sorted out, could not spare the time apparently!! I became so concerned that I finally demanded that he go or else. Its rare for me to lay down the law so OH took note when I did and went along to the appointment I had made...

The doctor prescribed antibiotics for the infection but whilst examining OH chest the doctor discovered an irregular heartbeat. To cut a long story short. OH's heart had become infected by the 'ignored' chest infection and the heart had become enlarged. Also the heart was beating irregularly. Thankfully the heart is now back to a normal size but OH is now on heart medication for the rest of his life and because of the irregular heartbeat which is beating far too fast he has now had two cardioversions to shock his heart back into normal rhythm. OH will be seeing his heart specialist on November 24th to see how successful the latest cardioversion is proving to be. So far so good we think.... Moral of this story 'Never ignore a chest infection'

After the Cardioversion....

OH had to be shocked twice and this is the mark the paddle marks left behind. OH had been burned which he had been warned could happen.

OH was prescribed this cream.......

For some reason it really did not help and it actually made the marks very sore .. so out came the trusty

Aloe vera.... such a wonderful plant. I keep it in my kitchen during the winter months and just outside the kitchen door in the summer months. After regularly applying the aloe vera the paddle burn was soon eased and now has completely gone!!

This aloe vera plant is a new one that I purchased earlier this year. I think it needs re- potting and a bit of TLC after I have been hacking at it.....

Aloe Vera

  1. A species of aloe (Aloe vera) native to the
    Mediterranean region.
  2. The mucilaginous juice or gel obtained from the
    leaves of this plant, used in pharmaceutical preparations for its soothing and
    healing properties.


Sol said...

I hope this had worked, it didnt help my Father, but it obviously it must help some people else they wouldnt do it. Good luck for the 24th.

What does OH mean? I know DH means dear husband but OH has me guessing....

Sharon J said...

Aloe Vera has been a must in my house ever since the children were little (they're all grown up now). It's so handy for burns, stings and the likes.

I wish your OH well :)

aromatic said...

slice of life, thank you so much for your comment. We believe the cardioversion has worked... fingers and toes crossed anyway! Thank you for your good wishes for the 24th..
OH means Other Half...
Love Jane xxx

sharon j, thank you for your comment. Aloe vera is fantastic isn't it...
Thank you for the good wishes for my OH... much appreciated!
Love Jane xxx